Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Fun

For our 4th of July holiday (2010) we exercised the four F's: Fun, Food, Family, and Fireworks.

The day started with a little water FUN.
My son and I played on his new Spider man sprinkler mat that we both enjoyed immensely.

For Food my husband made another one of his fabulous cakes...an iced star cake topped with fresh blueberries and strawberries.

I made jello snacks out of blueberry and cherry jello with whipped topping, strawberries, and blueberries.

I borrowed this idea and recipe from Toad's Treasures.

My daddy prepared his speciality, smoked brisket.
That combined with my sister's potato casserole is unbelievable.

After a wonderful meal, the duration of the holiday was spent with

and the explosion of FIRE WORKS!

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