Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just One of Those Days

My toddler accompanied me to the bank and post office this morning to assist me in taking care of a little business. At the post office he scored a sticker and a sucker at the bank. By the time we made it to the dollar store (to shop for toys of course) he was in hyper-drive. You would have thought that the sucker was coated in booze the way he zipped through the store and giggled as if he had lost all good sense.

Calm finally came when he was forced to make a very important decision. A life altering choice was placed before him; tractor or loader? John Deere or Caterpillar? Completely overwhelmed he examined the two and took each for a short test drive. After long deliberation he grabbed the loader and threw the tractor back on the shelf. With a revved motor and loader in hand he headed to the check out.

Occupied with his new toy we made our way to the parking lot. A feeling of relief came over me as we neared the car. That's when he saw it...a coined operated ice cream truck. My previous feeling was soon replaced with that of hope. Hope for fifty cents. I dug in my purse and thankfully pulled out two quarters.

I lifted my overly excited toddler into the driver's seat next to his eager passenger, Snoopy. For a few seconds he was having a blast until he decided he wanted to ride solo. His attempt to push Snoopy off was unsuccessful and caused a temporary case of toddler road rage. He snatched at the steering wheel, slammed the dash, and grumbled at Snoopy until the ride was over.

Not to worry, his focus was soon diverted to the bright yellow buggy racks in the parking lot. With me on the outside and him inside we played a very frustrating game of "catch me if you can." Eventually, I won and we left for home (to take a long nap).

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