Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Friday, July 2, 2010

Out on the Town

A simple shopping trip always turns into a theatrical stage for my little angel. He loves attention and readily seeks out new victims.

The antics generally initiate in the car. He starts by making faces, singing, and doing something that resembles an attempt to whistle (I haven't really figured that one out yet). This continues until we reach our first stop.

Today's initial stop was a craft store. As we entered the door he spotted a bin with funny hats. He starts yelling "hat, hat, hat." So we stop and plunder through the wide variety of children's hats. The one that struck his fancy was a dinosaur. He puts it on, smiles a big toothy smile, and makes all of the passers by stop and partake in the comedy. I regret that I have no photo. I was unable to gain enough composure to operate my camera phone.

Moving on, we found a pair of eggs that raddled. His immediate reaction to the eggs was to call out "balls." I corrected him by saying "no, eggs" after a slight chuckle. He replied to me with "Ooh, egg." I was so happy that he said egg I preceded to clap my hands and yell out "YAY!" He repeated me and this went on for another five to ten minutes. The eggs were keepers so we threw them in the buggy.

At the checkout he remembered his eggs. So he engaged in a very entertaining conversation with the cashier regarding eggs. He liked her so much that he waved and said "bye, bye, see you later" all the way to the car.

It was time for nourishment so we stopped for lunch. My son has had Acid Reflux Disease since birth. It has been an ongoing battle that has finally began to subside. He no longer projectile vomits or stays up all night in excruciating pain but he doesn't eat very much. His diet mostly consists of milk, goldfish, and Cheetos (anything crunchy).

Today, I took a chance and ordered him a grilled cheese and chips. Surprisingly, he actually ate some of it. I was so proud to watch him eat like a big boy....it was one of my happiest moments.

Later, a waitress brought over a few crayons and some coloring sheets. (It's a mystery how he manages to get everyone to cater to him when we're out). Rather than coloring on the sheets he preferred to color the table number that he later used as a set of tongs to pick up his crayons and eat a few of his chips.

After eating, we headed to a local home improvement venue. He amused himself by blowing on my arms and bubbling his spit. He did help me pick out paint for our kitchen. We also learned a few colors while we waited for our paint to be mixed. When the paint was done the lady brought it over and (of all things) handed him a paint stir stick that I was brutally beaten with the remainder of our visit.

Our last stop was the grocery store. I guess he was out of tortuous ideas so he created these bizarre noises. It kinda made you think he was gasping for air or that he had some unique medical condition. The reactions were hilarious. Some felt sorry for him because they thought he was ill, others thought I had done something to him, and a select few shared his amusement.

On our way out it was necessary that he push the buggy. This looks really funny from the front. It appears that I am talking to myself combined with a serious ambulatory problem.

In the end we had a good day and he was so tired that he slept all the way home.

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