Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First Flick

Toddler years are filled with many firsts. At this age just about everything is uncharted territory and with the unknown always comes anxiety.  Anxiety of not knowing what to expect and whether or not there will be casualties .

Going to the movies for the first time has been one of those events that I looked forward to but was unsure about. I assumed since my active toddler would not tentatively watch TV at home that the movie theater would be a disaster.

Summer heat, rain, and an encouraging friend led me to the cool and dry atmosphere of a local cinema.

The smell, sounds, and flashing lights of the lobby had my toddler wide-eyed and mesmerized.
At the snack counter we refreshed with popcorn and a drink. As soon as the popcorn was laid before him he grabbed a piece and with total satisfaction said, "yummmmeeee."

Nervously, I led my toddler into the dark theater. Completely handicap with snacks, baby things, and a purse I was worried that the entrance would be a struggle. Miraculously, we made it with ease.

Sitting down he fixed himself in my lap and munched on popcorn for more than half of the movie. The remaining portion he chose a seat to himself.

Back and forth he rocked clamping himself in the crease. After a few close calls he was finally successful in becoming completely stuck in the seat opening. Fortunately, he survived with only a lost shoe that we quickly found and replaced.

As we exited the theater I felt confident that the "terrible twos" wouldn't kill me after all.

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