Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Hard Day's Work

Each year, during the summer months, we bail hay to feed our livestock through the winter. For the past three summers, my son has been a part of this responsibility. His job is to sit in Papaw's lap, monkey with the controls, and supervise the operation.

Today, he was late for work due to his refusal to brush his teeth.

After 20 minutes of bargaining he finally came out from under the table and got dressed. We packed his lunch box and headed out the door.

As we walked through the field he yelled "Pa, Pa, Pa" anxious to board the Big Green Machine.

We explained our tardiness and he assumed his position (in Papaw's lap).

There's nothing better than a tractor induced nap to conclude a hard day's work.

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