Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Under the weather, my toddler has been allowed to watch excessive amounts of television.

For days he has zoned out on episode after episode of Tom and Jerry.

This particular cartoon has always been one of my favorites and personally viewed as being harmless.

Yesterday, I felt my first consequence for the endless partaking of animated violence.

While sitting in the recliner, minding my own business, I was attacked by a plastic hammer.

After being hit in the top of the head I said "ouch" and my assailant said "sorry." The abuse ceased and I assumed it was an isolated incident.

I was wrong! 

Standing in the kitchen, I heard tiny footsteps stampeding my way. I then received several blows to the back of the leg with a wooden spoon.

I corrected him for his behavior and thought we had an understanding. My understanding was to not hit. I guess his was to not hit with the spoon. He replaced the spoon with an arrow for his bow.

I corrected him again with a little more force and explained that he was hurting, mama. He sought refuge in his bean bag with his head down and sulked for a short while.

With a toy gun poked in my side and a whistle blowing loudly in my ear, I realized that my correction was not effective and that we were definitely going to limit our time in front of the television from now on.

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