Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Big, Green, Tractor!

My son's first love will always be a tractor. Since birth, a tractor ride has been his sanctuary when nothing else would do. A single moment in the seat of his Big Green will cure a tummy ache, ease colic, and provoke needed sleep.

Many hours have been spent nestled in the lap of his daddy or papaw toiling away at plowing, bailing hay, bush hogging or just riding for recreation. All aspects of the trek are soothing and satisfying for him and his adult companion.

"Tractor" was one of his first words as well as his first identifiable object.

As an infant he could recognize the humming motor and whining tires almost a mile away. These sounds immediately provoke a sudden freeze followed by (now that he is older) energized comments of "OOOOH, OOOOH and Tractor, Tractor." A ride then becomes a must.

Join him on his most recent ride...and share the essence of sitting behind the wheel of a Big, Green, Tractor!

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