Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Sunday, July 4, 2010

At the Rodeo

Last night we went to the rodeo. Dirt, Action, and Live music. Three of my son's favorite things. 

When put together an almost euphoric experience is created.

The rodeo started with Muttin' Bustin' for children six and under. The idea is to mount and hang on as long as you can.

This is what the event looked like...

and this is what my toddler looked like as he watched. 

After Muttin' Bustin' we watched in suspense...

as forty cowboys tried their luck at eight seconds on the back of a bull.

Sleeping through the last half of the bull riding...he awoke  

to meet country music star, Jeff Bates. 

He was mesmerized as he watched the concert and listened to the beat of the drums.

Our evening concluded, late into the night, with a spectacular fire work show. 

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