Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Boy and His Dog

During our first year together, my husband and I purchased a Chihuahua.

Prior to the birth of our son, this animal was center of attention and considered a significant part of our family.

With a new baby on the way he would have to share his space and affection.

Graciously accepting the new addition, he cultivated a relationship by nestling himself next to my belly each evening for a little prebirth bonding.

My son would respond to his presence by kicking and moving around. 

During infancy he would acknowledge his special pet by making gestures and reaching out. The animal in turn served as his confidant and protector.

They have literally been together since the beginning, making the bond between them immeasurable.

Today was a play day with just my toddler and his precious pet.

I started out pulling them both...

Then my son took over to give the dog a ride.

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