Growing up on a farm, my son picks up on various habits and actions that are typically
functional only ON THE FARM! "Calling the cows" is one of those actions. Each day, my toddler and his Papaw check the cows. They go from field to field counting and calling the cows to make sure each one is healthy and accounted for. To do this, my father cups his hand around his mouth and loudly calls out "
WHOOOOO, SUCK COW." This is repeated continuously until the cows show up. My son mimics this call by pursing his lips, pointing, and making an
UUUUUUUUU noise. Last night we went shopping and out to eat. While in a local hobby store, my toddler spotted a bin full of toy cows. Immediately, he started "calling the cows" and lining them up on the shelf. We thought it was cute and so did a few others in the store. My son loves to be the center of attention so he called louder and more frequent in an effort to be noticed a little more. We laughed, played with the
animals for a short while, bought what we needed, and left the store. Later we decided to grab a bite to eat. It was late and my toddler was jacked up on root beer so he made every attempt to get
every one's attention,
particularly the two little girls sitting at the table behind us. Remembering his successful attention-getter in the hobby store he started to call the cows. Of course we thought it was cute and began to encourage continuation of this behavior by laughing and repeating "call the cows, baby, call the cows....and....are you calling the cows?" The laughter and our
diligent encouragement got the attention of three ladies sitting behind us. They were slightly on the larger side and took
immediate offense to my son's behavior. It wasn't until they stormed out that we realized they were offended by my son's behavior and thought we were making fun of them. No harm was intended just another example of what happens when "country comes to town."