Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Monday, June 14, 2010

Revival: Night #1

Tonight was our first night of revival. My husband was late getting home from work so I had to leave my son in a pile of toys on the bathroom floor while I showered. I thought he was playing nicely until I got out. He had unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper so that he could use the cardboard center as a megaphone. The unused tissue was thrown about the bathroom. After cleaning up we dressed and left for church. Of course we were late but so was our neighbor so we were able to walk in together. When I sit down my sister politely warned me that the air conditioner was not working. It is June in the deep south, so it was HOT! My child does not cope well with being hot so I used a paper fan to try to keep him cool (and under control). He yells, "stop it" and grabs the fan from my hand. He puts the fan to his ear and says "Hello, hello, hello" and begins to jabber a bunch of nonsense. It was pretty funny so a few people on our row started to laugh. This gesture was all he needed to really get cranked up. Between crushing crayons, trying to crank his shoe with the car key, and bumping his head fifty times it was an interesting and exhausting evening. The best part was that I dressed him in a pair of khaki overalls that snapped in the crotch. He was moving around so much that they would not stay together. Unsnapped the overalls strongly resembled a dress.

Covered in crayon marks, sweating profusely, banging his head, talking to a fan, and wearing a dress my son made his mark on tonight's congregation.

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