Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Friday, June 25, 2010

Monkey Cake

My son has been attending bible school this week. As a special treat my husband and I made a monkey cake to coordinate with the rain forest theme.

My cooking skills are less than perfect. I cook merely for survival not for recreation. My husband has an innate passion for preparing, decorating, and creating food. My passion ceases at eating. Therefore, he does most of the exciting cooking around our house. When we decided to do this cake I agreed to make the cake and the icing so that his only task would be to decorate (since he had to work and I am on summer break).

After several excruciating hours of Betty Crocker madness I emerged from a cloud of sweat and sugar with only a small bowl of icing. The cake never cooperated and persisted on sticking to the pan no matter what I did. So he ended up with the responsibility of the cake and spent most of the night and early morning decorating (gotta love em' for his dedication). The following evening he was to finish up the eyes, vines, and leaves. Unfortunately, he had to work late, which left me with the final details.

Cake decorating is not something I am good at, like, or know anything about but it had to be done (can't have a monkey without eyes). So I jumped in head first. Everything was going great until my table experienced an earthquake. FYI: Straight lines are virtually impossible with a wobbly table.

Not sure what was going on I investigated by looking beneath the table. There I found my toddler wedged under a chair and completely stuck. After my miraculous rescue I was able to finish the cake, get him dressed, and head to bible school with most of my sanity still intact.

The kids were very excited and my son loved the monkey cake. Regardless of the aggravation, lack of sleep, and hard work it is always worth it when your repaid with a smile. :)

1 comment:

  1. I have since ivested in several cans of Baker's Joy (nonstick pan spray). A suggestion by my sister, the real cook in the family.
