Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mississippi Summers

There are two things you can count on (in the summer) when you live in south Mississippi. One is extreme heat and the other is watermelons. The heat I can do without but I gotta have my watermelons.

To some people any watermelon will do. In my neck of the woods, Smith County melons are legendary and the only ones that suit me. Sweet and juicy each melon comes with a big dose of southern hospitality.

Passing on a family tradition, my toddler and I made the short journey to purchase a few of these watermelons and a cantaloupe or two (which are just as good). When we arrived at our destination, we made our selections, chatted for awhile, and headed home. Once home, we indulged in a large slice of summertime bliss (outside of course).

Nothing compares to the almost crystallized stickiness of the juices combined with extreme humidity. With the sun beating down on my pink tented youngster adorned with watermelon seed freckles it was clear that today he would bathe outside.

With a filled wash tub, a bar of soap, and a water hose my baby was squeaky clean within a few minutes.

Cooling off in a big, galvanized tub of water was the perfect ending to an almost fairytale day.

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