Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Top Ten Whys of Parenthood

1. Why playing with the box is more fun than playing with the toy that came in it.
2. Why public bowel movements are messier, more dramatic, and smell worse.
3. Why the phone always rings during nap time.
4. Why no one visits when the house is clean.
5. Why behaving in church is so difficult.
6. Why stores want to torture parents by surrounding the checkout lines with shelves of "gotta haves" and "can't do with outs."
7. Why inappropriate words and phrases are easier to learn and better understood.
8. Why a toolkit and thirty minutes of labor is necessary to remove a $5.00 toy from it's packaging.
9. Why flip flopped and bare feet are magnets for little feet with treaded shoes.
10. Why the toddlers turn into infants around grandparents.

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