Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Are you telling on me?

After doing a little housework, I discovered crayons smashed or should I say hammered into just about everything in the living room. (Evidently, he was using the crayons as nails for whatever he was building). Immediately after seeing this disaster, I sternly corrected my son with hammer in hand. Suddenly he grabs the phone, points at me, gives me a scolding glare, and starts jabbering (telling on me) to whomever he thinks is on the other end, which was probably his Papaw. Later that day, the incident completely slipped my mind until Papaw came over for a visit. My son jumps into his Papaw's lap and starts ranting with an out-stretched finger pointing directly at me.

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