Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Window Art

My toddler and I have the dreaded "SUMMER COLD." After a week inside and unbearable heat outside, it was essential to our health that we find something exciting to do.

Not in the mood to clean up a big mess or exert a lot of energy to entertain, I searched for an interesting activity to amuse and occupy.

Crayola Window Crayons was the answer. These crayons are made specifically for windows, glass, and mirrors. They are dry-erase and wipe off painlessly. The best part is that the caps cannot be removed by small children. So when I'm not in a supervising mood (to keep him from writing on everything else) I cap them with no worries.

Today, during the midday heat, he was able to express himself while enjoying a little sunlight (since our canvas was a window). In the process he learned two colors...blue and green!

This afternoon, we will wipe our canvas clean in preparation for the artistic creation that tomorrow will bring.

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