Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Monday, June 28, 2010

Blueberry Blues

Today my toddler and I awoke early in an attempt to beat the summer heat. Our objective was to pick as many blueberries as possible before the mid morning heatwave..

With buckets in hand we headed to the bushes. Luckily we were able to find some shade that kept us from totally melting.

My inquisitive child watched diligently as I picked the berries. I shared my harvest with him by alternating between his bucket and mine.

Eventually, he grabbed a few of the blueberries held them up and said "ball?" I explained that even though they were round they were not balls but blueberries (in toddler of course). Confused, he mashed a few and said "balloon?" I said, "no, blueberry." He preceded to taste, touch, smash, and throw the blueberries from his toddler sized bucket.

It wasn't long before he decided to help by picking a few himself. This would have been great if he were two to three feet taller. To appease him it was necessary to apply a little elevation. Therefore, project blueberry continued with an additional weight of around thirty pounds. Child in one hand and bucket in the other I persevered until I gathered enough for a small pie.

Totally exhausted, we dropped our goods off at Nana's with hopes of a home made pie and better luck tomorrow!

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