Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sweet Stickiness

Yesterday, I decided to be domestic and bake a cake. After the icing was done, I was getting ready to throw the beaters from the mixer into the sink. This action triggered a flashback of when I was a kid licking the pure goodness off of the twisted metal. There was nothing better than the combination of confectioner sugar and the smell of a freshly baked cake.

This trip down memory lane encouraged me to pass along this memory to my son. I gave him one of the icing covered beaters and he looked at me with a very confused look. Eventually, he took his first lick and it was then that he completely and totally lost his mind. He ran throughout the house as if his pants were on fire. While he ran, he yelled YUMM...EEEEE and grabbed everything in sight with his icing covered little paws.

It took a while to clean up but the entertainment and his happiness was so worth it!!!

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