Tales of a Toddler

Tales of a Toddler
Take a Walk With Me and My Toddler

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Beautiful Butterflies

Earlier this summer I purchased a Live Butterfly Garden Kit from Insect Lore at livebutterflygarden.com.

For around $20.00 you get hours of entertainment and excitement. The kit came with ten caterpillars and a net container for the hatched butterflies.

The simplicity of it was that you really didn't have to do anything other than watch.

My son was a little too young to really understand what was going on but he totally enjoyed shaking, tapping, and poking at the caterpillars and their cocoons.

Each day we checked (or poked ) on our ever changing specimens to see the progress they had made.

I actually found myself calling and rushing home to get an updated butterfly report.

The end result was ten gorgeous butterflies that we eventually released.

Watching them fly away and the look on my son's face was priceless.

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